Learn to love the yellow: dandelions are now in bloom

General News

As spring arrives, so do the vibrant yellow blooms of dandelions, often regarded as weeds. However, these seemingly pesky plants play a crucial role in ecosystems and offer various benefits. Dandelions, blooming typically from May to June, are not harmful to pets, lawns or gardens. Yet, their beauty is often overshadowed by their reputation as eyesores.

In King Township’s parks, boulevards, sports fields and green spaces, efforts are made to control dandelions. Grass is regularly cut to minimize their presence, but due to their rapid growth, some areas may still appear unkempt.

To manage dandelions on your property, consider these tips:

  • Raise your lawn mower blades to three or four inches. Taller grass shades out weeds and prevents their germination.
  • Overseed and top-dress your lawn to limit space for weed growth.
  • Aerate your lawn in early spring to promote healthy root growth by allowing water and air to penetrate the soil.
  • Add white clover to your seed mix. This plant is robust, adds nitrogen to the soil and competes with dandelions.

Embracing dandelions' role in the ecosystem can lead to a more sustainable approach to managing them, ensuring a healthier lawn and environment.
