King Township celebrates significant milestones in 2023-2026 Mid-term Achievements Report

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King Township is making the grade with the release of its 2023-2026 Mid-Term Achievements Report. It offers a comprehensive overview of the significant milestones and accomplishments that have positively impacted the community since the start of the current Council term.

The report, a condensed version of the Township’s annual Community Report, highlights the Township’s commitment to transparency and accountability, key elements in maintaining the trust of both Council and the community. King Township consistently reports on progress against its Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) goals and the performance of operational services, providing citizens with a clear picture of how their tax dollars are being utilized to enhance their quality of life.

Key highlights and achievements

The 2023-2026 Mid-Term Achievements Report features several key areas of accomplishment that resonate most with King’s citizens and have made a tangible difference in their daily lives:

Fiscal responsibility

  • King maintains a tax rate of 0.86%, the 12th lowest among 30 GTA municipalities (and the lowest among GTA municipalities with populations under 30,000), reflecting its commitment to responsible allocation of tax dollars.
  • Introduction of two new interactive online dashboards that provide real-time data on service performance and strategic project progress.

Recognition and awards

Greening and environmental sustainability

Planning for tomorrow, building for today

Economic vitality and community safety

Community and customer service

  • King has introduced several new programs, including the EnrichKING program and the Inclusive Programming initiative, ensuring that services are accessible and responsive to the needs of all citizens.
  • The launch of the Digital Transformation Framework and the AI powered "Kingsley" virtual assistant marks a significant step forward in modernizing service delivery and enhancing customer experiences.

The 2023-2024 Mid-Term Achievements Report aligns with the 2023-2026 Corporate Strategic Plan, adopted by Council in June 2023, which focuses on increasing data-driven decision-making to improve organizational performance. The report underscores King’s dedication to delivering on its commitments and provides citizens with insight into how their tax dollars are being invested back into the community.


Steve Pellegrini, Mayor King Township

“The 2023-2024 Mid-Term Achievements Report is a testament to King Township’s commitment to transparency, accountability and continuous improvement. We’re proud of the progress we've made in enhancing the quality of life for our residents while responsibly managing resources. This report not only showcases our achievements but also reaffirms our dedication to making King a vibrant, sustainable and thriving community for everyone.”

Daniel Kostopoulos, Chief Administrative Officer

In these times of rapid change and fluid expectations, transparency and accountability in government has never been more important. Our Township continues to deliver results on the issues that matter most to Council and citizens, including fiscal responsibility, climate change and sustainability, municipal planning and operations, economic vitality, community safety and customer service.”

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Media Contact

Township of King
Jason Ballantyne, Communications Officer
Township of King | Phone: 905-833-5321 | Email: