King Township to conduct watermain and hydrant flushing starting April 15

General News
Public Works

King Township will conduct watermain and hydrant flushing from April 15 to the end of May in King City, Nobleton, Schomberg and Ansnorveldt. This routine maintenance process enhances water quality by removing sediment buildup in the distribution system, ensuring the safety of your water remains unaffected.

During this period, residents may experience temporary low pressure and/or water discoloration. Low pressure will be promptly resolved upon completion of flushing. To address any discoloration, run your cold water tap until the water runs clear.

For more information, visit

The billing cycle for water and wastewater has shifted this year from quarterly to bi-monthly. This change will result in smaller bills per cycle and help distribute larger bills across seasonal months for better manageability.

Property owners can monitor their water usage and sign up for pre-authorized automatic withdrawals on the Township's online portal. Additional details are available at

With the onset of warmer weather, it's a good time to check your home for potential causes of high water consumption:

  • Leaky faucets: A faucet leaking at just one drip per second can waste up to 20 litres per day. Check for proper closure and worn-out washers and, if needed, consult a plumber for repairs.
  • Water softener: Ensure the backflow or backwash feature is not continuously running, wasting significant amounts of water. Regularly monitor and maintain your water softener.
  • Leaky toilets: Older toilets can use between six and 32 litres per flush. Detect and fix leaks to avoid excess water consumption. Consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient toilet model.
  • Overnight leak test: Monitor your water meter readings before and after sleeping to detect any unexplained water consumption, which may indicate a leak in your water lines.
  • Lawn sprinklers can use tremendous amounts of water. Always be mindful of not running your sprinklers more than is needed. Better yet, you can purchase a rain barrel from the Township and collect rainfall to use on your garden or lawn. 

Addressing these factors can help reduce your water consumption and prevent unnecessary waste.

Watermain flushing