The Schomberg Main St. Streetscaping Survey Results Are In!

Economic Development
General News

An online survey was conducted between May 7 and May 20, 2021, to  gain input on the Schomberg Main Street Streetscaping Project.

The survey consisted of 14 questions and resulted in 202 participants.  The questions required participants to describe their perception of the Streetscaping Project,  elements of interest, and opportunities for the early Streetscape Plan.

The responses have allowed for a greater understanding of the important components to community stakeholders, and how future developments can enhance the Downtown Schomberg experience.

The team has analysed the survey results and the majority of survey participants preferred Option 2: Alternating On-Street Parking. Based on the survey results and additional input received we will now proceed with Option 2.

This year the team will be focussing on further developing the design by looking at the materials and general components of the project to develop a streetscape plan. The streetscape plan will then be used to develop the detailed engineering drawings.  This next step is not expected to take place until 2022.


Visit  to review the summary on the project webpage under “Documents”.