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The Township of King is HIGH FIVE® Accredited

HIGH FIVE® accreditation is the benchmark for excellence in children's recreation and sport in Canada. As a HIGH FIVE® accredited organization, the Township of King has met the highest standard of excellence in providing sport and recreation programs for children.

By participating in HIGH FIVE® accreditation process the Township has committed to assessing our policies and procedures, training and development, program assessments, and awareness so that our programming helps to nurture and create great experiences for children in recreation. 

Through the Township of King's continuing commitment to deliver the highest quality of recreation and sports programs for children, the municipality has made a commitment to adopt the HIGH FIVE "Desired outcomes for Children in Recreation and Sport" and the HIGH FIVE "Commitment to Children".  For more information on these operational philosophies and goals please click on the buttons below:

Desired Outcomes for Children in Recreation and Sport  

Commitment to Children

What is HIGH FIVE® ?

HIGH FIVE® is Canada's quality standard for children's programs. Before HIGH FIVE, no standard existed and there was a clear need for an innovative approach to help organizations enhance program quality and provide positive experiences for children, which would remain with them for a lifetime.

HIGH FIVE® promotes the following five principles of healthy child development that research says are essential for quality programs:

  • a caring adult
  • friends
  • play
  • mastery
  • participation

HIGH FIVE® empowers organizations to provide the best possible experiences for children in their sport and recreation programs through the use of these five principles.

To learn more about HIGH FIVE please visit their website: www.highfive.org​​

HIGH FIVE Training Information