Public Notices

Stay informed about upcoming public meetings and notices. Notice of certain actions, in accordance with the Municipal Act, will be posted to this webpage. For a list of all upcoming Council, Committee of the Whole and Advisory Committee meetings, please refer to the Meeting Calendar​.

Filed in: Notice
Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King intends to consider amending by-laws under Section 36 of the Planning Act to remove the Holding (H) Symbols for the lands…
Filed in: Notice
This Public Planning Council Meeting will be held in a hybrid format with in-person and electronic participation. Deputations may participate in the meeting remotely or in-person. Refer to the…
Filed in: Notice
Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King passed By-law Number 2025-017 on the 24th day of February, 2025 under Section 34 and Section 36 of the Planning Act, R.S.O,…
Filed in: Notice
                                        Notice of Proposed  Draft Plan of Condominium – Standard The Corporation of the Township of King has received an application  for a Draft Plan of Condominium…
Filed in: Notice
Notice of Proposed Draft Plan of Condominium – Standard The Corporation of the Township of King has received an application  for a Draft Plan of Condominium and will consider the proposed…
Filed in: Notice
                                          Notice of Proposed Draft Plan of Condominium – Standard The Corporation of the Township of King has received an application  for a Draft Plan of Condominium…
Filed in: Notice
Take Notice that the Township of King has received complete applications for proposed amendments to the Township of King Official Plan (“Our King”) (2019) and Township of King Zoning By-law 2017-66 (…
Filed in: Notice
Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King passed By-law Number 2025-005 on the 27th day of January, 2025 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O, 1990. Take Notice…
Filed in: Notice
Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King intends to consider amending a by-law under Section 36 of the Planning Act to remove the Holding (H) Symbol for the lands…
Filed in: Notice
This Public Planning Council Meeting will be held in a hybrid format with in-person and electronic participation. Deputations may participate in the meeting remotely or in-person. Refer to the…
Filed in: Notice
Take Notice that the Township of King has received a complete application for a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application, in accordance with Section 34 and Section…
Filed in: Notice
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King passed By-law Number 2025-004 on January 27th, 2025, to designate lands and premises municipally known as 12998 Keele Street (…
Filed in: Notice
This Public Planning Council Meeting will be held in a hybrid format with in-person and electronic participation. Deputations may participate in the meeting remotely or in-person. Refer to the…
Filed in: Notice
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King passed By-law Number 2025-002 on January 27th, 2025, to designate lands and premises municipally known as 13092 Highway 27 (…
Filed in: Notice
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King passed By-law Number 2025-003 on January 27th, 2025, to designate lands and premises municipally known as 12981 Keele Street (…