Site Alteration and Fill Permits

To easily apply for a site alteration and fill permit, please click here.

PLEASE NOTE, as of January 1, 2025, we are charging a $500 violation fee for permit non-compliance at final inspection. Inspection and Violation Form

For more information, please contact

If you would like to report site alteration concerns, please fill out this form and submit it to By-law Enforcement Services. 

By-law Hotline - By-law Enforcement Division

2021-039 - A By-law to Prohibition and Movement of Fill Consolidate

Zoning Amendment Applications Z-2022-01 & Z-2022-02

Proposed Township Initiated Amendments to Pervious Surface Requirements Zoning By-laws 2016-71 and 2017-66 and Site Alteration By-law 2021-039