Corporate Policies

Summary: A policy is defined as corporate direction that is formally adopted by Council resolution. A Corporate Policy is created when Council’s position on an issue should be part of the public record, in keeping with open and accountable government.​ Enacting policies provides a framework for decision making ensuring consistency throughout the municipality. The authority for policy development is identified within provisions of the Municipal Act (or other legislation). It specifically provides Council the authority to develop and evaluat​​e the policies and programs of the municipality. The policies listed below make up a condensed list of Council approved policies currently in place. Many are being updated or re-formatted and will b​e published as they are completed. ​​

Contact Information: Clerk's Department ​



Policy and Procedure Framework​

​​This policy is meant to provide guidelines on managing corporate policies in the Township to ensure accuracy and consistency.​

​Grants to  Community Organizations​

​Funding may be provided to assist community organizations to deliver programs and services and to complete special projects through the Grants to Community Organizations program. This policy establishes eligibility requirements, identifies the types of funding available, and outlines application and monitoring requirements. 

Accountability and Transparency​

​Under the Municipal Act, 2001, all municipalities must adopt and maintain a policy in regards to the manner in which it is accountable and transparent to the public. 

Delegation of Power and Duties

​This policy establishes the scope of powers and duties that Council may delegate and how these delegations are governed. 

Flag Raising​

​​The purpose o​​f this policy is to provide guidelines on when to raise or lower flags at all municipally owned buildings. 

Recruitment and Appointment for Committees​

​This policy is meant to establish guidelines for the recruitment and appointment of citizen members to Committees, Boards and Task Forces. 

Use of Corporate Resources During an Election Period​
​Under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, all municipalities and local boards must establish rules and procedures with respect to the use of municipal resources during the Municipal Election Period. 
Ice Allocation​
​This policy aids the Township in being fair and balanced when allocating ice time for the public and various community groups.

Municipal Street Addressing​

​This policy is designed to establish an accurate and consistent method for assigning municipal street addressing. 
Code of Conduct for Members of Council​​
​This policy is meant to ensure that Members of Council are held to a high standard of conduct that incorporates accountability and transparency.
Records and Information Management
This policy establishes a framework for the Records and Information Management Program for the Township and outlines roles, responsibilities, and provisions for the management of the records lifecycle from creation (receipt), use and maintenance, and disposition.
Wayfinding Signage Programs​
​The policy helps to determine eligibility for participation of local businesses and provides signage standards for consistency throughout the Township. 

Corporate Communications​
​ and Corporate Style Guide

​​​This policy is intended to ensure that all corporate communications are distributed accurately, consistently and to their intended audience through the standards of the Corporate Style Guide.

Municipally Significant Events​
​This policy provides clear and consistent criteria for the approval process of designating Municipally Significant Events. This designation is necessary for the event organizer to apply for a Special Occasion Permit under the Liquor Licence Act, 1990, for the sale and service of alcohol at a public event. 
Formal Complaint​
This policy establishes a consistent, uniform, and fair process to address formal complaints from the public in a timely manner and contribute to the continuous improvement of Township services and operations. 
Outdoor Sports Facility Allocation​

​This policy outlines general information regarding sport facility allocations to ensure that the booking process is implemented in a fair and equitable manner.
Municipal Street Naming and Park Naming​
​This policy establishes the criteria for the consistent and efficient naming of municipal streets and parks, which takes into consideration safety and suitability of names.
Strategic Asset Management ​​
​This policy is established to embed asset management principles into ongoing capital, operations, and maintenance activities, through the Township’s Asset Management Plan.
COR-POL-133: ProcurementThis policy ensures that deliverables are acquired in an open, competitive, fair and transparent manner, which protects the reputation of the Township, and increases the confidence of both the public and participants in the procurement process.
COR-POL-134: Traffic Calming RequestThis policy outlines the Township's commitment to traffic calming implementation through defined principles and processes to meet the needs and expectations of the community and to provide a consistent and effective approach for staff to address concerns related to traffic calming in both a proactive and responsive manner.
COR-POL-140: By-law Enforcement ServicesThis policy provides guidance to staff, elected officials and the general public regarding by-law enforcement policies and practices of the Township of King in the receipt of complaints and initiation of investigation and enforcement proceedings related to regulatory by-laws, and applicable law. The policy helps to ensure that the Township addresses complaints and inquires equitably, comprehensively and in a timely manner.
COR-POL-141: DebtThis policy sets out the parameters for issuing debt and managing the debt portfolio and provides guidance to decision makers. This policy establishes the criteria for the use of debt within the Township’s overall financial framework.
COR-POL-142: Public NoticeThis policy outlines the circumstances in which the Township of King shall provide notice to the public and, if notice is to be provided, the form, manner and times notice is to be given. This  Policy is adopted in accordance with the requirement under the Municipal Act, section.
COR-POL-143: Road Occupancy - Special Events

This policy provides clear and consistent criteria for conducting Special Events that take place on public Highways within the Township of King. It also gives staff the appropriate tools to ensure that all possible safety measures have been taken into account during the planning and organization of special events, and provides guidance for Event Organizers.

COR-POL-157 Video Surveillance The purpose of this policy is to support the use of security cameras (also
known as CCTV or closed circuit television) in public locations to provide a
safe and secure environment for customers, staff, and property while
protecting the individual’s right to privacy.
COR-POL-158 - Public Conduct PolicyThe Township of King aims to provide exemplary services to all members of the public and to address service requests and complaints equitably,
comprehensively, and in a timely manner, while promoting a respectful,
tolerant, and harassment-free workplace between Members of Council,
staff, and the public.
COR-POL-159 - Community Safety Zone (CSZ) Warrant CriteriaThis policy establishes the warrant criteria for the designation of Community Safety Zones along King Township roads.