Schomberg Community Hall

The renovation of the Schomberg Community Hall at 325 Main St. in Schomberg has successfully achieved substantial completion and was granted Occupancy on December 2nd, 2022, creating an energy-efficient, environmentally conscious and fully accessible space designed to meet current AODA standards.

While enduring the challenging working conditions due to the age of the building, staff continued to deal with unique challenges that required the attention of the contractor, consultant, and Township staff to actively collaborate and find effective solutions to any problem faced.

Interested in hosting your event at the Schomberg Community Hall?  The Township will start accepting booking requests as of January 2, 2023 please email  

Expected Timelines / Milestones 

  • Substantial Completion achieved; Contractor publication pending and is expected shortly 
  • Consultant general performance letters were received which led to facility Occupancy granted on December 2nd, 2022 
  • Anticipated Total completion by Q1 2023 
  • Future Works/Site Improvements include; Convenience ramp adjacent to washroom corridor (weather pending), and minor deficiency rectification  

Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario



picture of main floor schomberg community hall



A brief history of the Schomberg Community Hall

In the early 1900's, Schomberg was known as having one of the best small town produce markets north of Toronto.  Producers came from miles distant to dispose of their commodities.

Market day was a busy day for many years.  On that day there was not enough accommodation for all at the hitching posts on the street and in the local sheds, and many farmers had to use the fairgrounds to tie their horses while they sold their produce and purchased goods with the proceeds.

In 1907 the Schomberg Market Association was formed and the Schomberg Community Hall was built. In 1922 it was decided to add a community hall to the building and a second story was added to provide an auditorium, while the lower floor continued to be used for the market.

Schomberg Farmers' Market








Schomberg Community Hall