Official Plan

Township of King (Our King) Official Plan, 2019 

The Our King cover imageTownship’s Official Plan titled Our King was adopted by Council on September 23, 2019 and subsequently approved by York Region on September 24, 2020, subject to modifications and three site-specific deferrals. The adoption and approval of the Official Plan followed an extensive public consultation and work program that sought to develop a comprehensive long-term vision for the future of King Township as a whole, which was consistent with/ conformed to all relevant Provincial and Regional policy and regulations. The primary purpose of the Official Plan is to provide direction and to set the planning policy framework for managing growth, land use and infrastructure decisions within the Township to the 2031 planning horizon.

The Township of King (Our King) Official Plan, 2019 directs land use planning for the Township of King Planning Area to 2031 and replaces the Township of King Official Plan, 1970, the Community Plans for King City, Nobleton and Schomberg, and the Hamlet Secondary Plan, save and except on the lands subject to the deferrals.

York Region has deferred decision on the lands municipally known as:
1. 25 Laskay Mills Drive
2. 1265 & 1405 19th Sideroad
3. 1380 Wellington Street West

Our King: 2051 Official Plan Review

The Township of King is initiated its Official Plan Review (OPR) in September 2023. The Official Plan Review will develop a roadmap to guide growth in King to the year 2051. The Township is reviewing the Our King Official Plan to align with recent changes in Provincial policy and legislation, integrate relevant policies from the York Region Official Plan (2022), and ensure the vision for King continues to meet the Township's evolving needs. A number of supporting projects/studies, including an Employment Lands Strategy and Growth Management Strategy are be undertaken to inform the OPR.

For the most up-to-date information on the Official Plan Review, please visit the SpeaKING Project Page.

Stay informed and get involved!

Maintaining an open, consultative process throughout the Official Plan Review is essential to capture input residents, landowners and businesses owners. The Township will also be connecting with Indigenous and First Nations communities to ensure the Plan is responsive to the vision of all interest holders.

If you have comments, require further information, or would like to be added to the project mailing list, please email

Subscribe on the SpeaKING Project Page to receive emails on project updates and to receive details for upcoming meetings, surveys, and reports.

York Region Official Plan (2022)

On July 1, 2024, York Region became an upper-tier municipality without planning responsibilities under the Planning Act. The York Region Official Plan (YROP) has now become the local official plan, together with the Our King Official Plan (2019).

The YROP (2022) can be accessed here.

Former Official Plan Documents