The Policy Planning team manages land use planning studies and develops land use policies for the Township. The Policy Planning team is undertaking the policy planning projects listed below. If you would like to be involved or learn more about current projects, please visit the Township's Engagement Platform, SpeaKING or contact
Policy Planning Projects
If you would like to be involved or learn more about current projects, please visit the Township's Engagement Platform, SpeaKING or contact
Project Summary:
Since the Our King Official Plan was adopted in 2019, a number of changes have occurred that affect how the Township should plan for its future. The Official Plan Review will provide an opportunity to update the Official Plan to respond to these changes and guide growth in the Township to the year 2051.
Status of Project:
The Official Plan Review continues to advance and engagement is ongoing! The Review is currently in Phase 2: Growth Review and Directions. To support this phase of the Review, four new Discussion Papers have been released start the conversation about growth in King, and provide preliminary directions for new policies that will shape and inform how people live, work, move and connect throughout the Township.
The Discussion Papers cover the following topics:
1. Introduction and Context for the Official Plan Review
4. Moving and Connecting in King
Visit the SpeaKING Project Page to access the Papers.
Next Steps:
The Project Team would like to thank everyone who attended the Open Houses in January 2025! The Open Houses provided an opportunity to learn more about the Official Plan Review and to provide input and ideas on how and where King should grow under the 2051 planning horizon. For those who were unable to attend the Open Houses, or wish to review the materials that were shared at the Open Houses further, the Schomberg presentation slides, King City and Nobleton presentation slides, and engagement worksheets can be found on the Document Libary on the SpeaKING Project Page.
Presentations to Council are scheduled for February 24, 2025 on the Phase 2 Findings of the Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies and on the Official Plan Review Draft Discussion Papers. To participate in the Council Meeting, watch the presentation, or submit comments visit: The Staff Report will be available online at by Thursday February 20, 2025. For details on the Council meeting, including how to watch the presentation, submit comments and attend the meeting, visit:
Project Summary:
The Neighbourhood Plans are apart of a planning exercise to establish a vision, plan and implement land use regulations to guide redevelopment for priority core areas within the Villages of King City and Nobleton.
This project includes the following core components:
- Shared Visioning Exercise to establish the long-term vision for King City and Nobleton by identifying opportunities and goals to support the redevelopment of the priority areas.
- Neighbourhood Plans that establish the framework to guide redevelopment and illustrate the redevelopment opportunities of the areas.
- Official Plan Amendment and Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) to implement the vision and establish the enabling policies for the CPPS and CPP By-law(s)
Project Status:
The project is currently in Phase 3: Neighbourhood Plan Studies. Since the initiation of the project:
- Two (2) focus groups in April 2024 were held,
- Four (4) public open houses in April 2024 and September 2024 were held,
- Two (2) presentations to Council were held; and
- A draft Background and Directions Report has been completed.
Next Steps:
- Council identified a need for additional consultation on a revised draft of the Plans at the Sept. 23, 2024, Council meeting.
- The Project Team is currently evaluating options to undertake additional consultation and revised plans.
Project Summary:
A land use plannining study focusing on the Highway 11 Corridor, a unique area located in the northeast part of the Township. The Corridor has historically functioned as a ‘highway commercial area’ consisting of land uses that can be characterized as commercial and tourism oriented. The Corridor is recognized as contributing to a vibrant rural economy and is located at juncture of key connections to neighbouring municipalities therefore having strategic locational significance as a gateway to the Township. The Study will be completed in 3 phases to achieve the following objectives:
Main Objectives:
- Delineate the Study Area and geographic extent of the implementing land use planning framework;
- Develop an implementing land use planning framework that navigates applicable provincial plans and policy, while advancing Township and landowner interest in the desirable redevelopment of the Corridor that is representative of its strategic location and regional function; and
- Implement a process that focuses on consultation with the community, landowners, key stakeholders, agencies, and Council.
Project Status:
The project is currently in Phase 3 of the workplan. Since the initiation of the project:
A Public Open House was held in November 2023 and two Public Work Shops were held in January 2024.
The draft discussion paper was released in November 2023.
Presentation to Council in February 2024.
The final draft discussion paper was released in September 2024.
- On October 7, 2024 a Public Open House and a Statutory Public Planning meeting for the draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendment was held.
- In February 2025, new final drafts of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment were released.
Next Steps:
- Release of final draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment.
- Final proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment anticipated to be brought forward for recommendation on March 17, 2025.
If you would like to be involved or stay updated, visit the SpeaKING King Project Page: Highway 11 Corridor Study.
Project Summary:
The Township of King’s Sustainable Development Program has recently been updated with ThinKING Green, a new green development standards program for the Township which expands upon and replaced the Sutainable King: Green Development Standards Program. As apart of the update, the Township is in the process of exploring and reviewing incentive options for the program.
Project Status:
- Background research for incentive options for the program.
Next Steps:
- Staff is anticipated to present a review of incentive options for information and review to Council on March 17, 2025.
If you would like to be involved or stay updated, visit the SpeaKING King Project Page: ThinKING Green.