Grasscycling: A sustainable solution for yard waste management

General News

King Township is reminding residents that grass clippings are not accepted for yard waste collection. Instead, residents are encouraged to leave grass clippings on their lawns, a practice known as grasscycling, which offers several benefits for both the environment and lawn health.

Why grasscycling?

Reduce waste: Grass clippings account for up to 75% of yard waste in landfills. By leaving them on your lawn, you significantly reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Improve your lawn: Grass clippings are made up of 85% water, helping your lawn retain moisture, especially during hot summer days. They also provide valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are found in most lawn fertilizers.

Save money: By grasscycling, you reduce the need to purchase fertilizers as the clippings naturally provide essential nutrients to your lawn.

Save time: Leaving clippings on the lawn eliminates the need to stop and bag them, making lawn maintenance quicker and easier.

Grasscycling tips

Mow high and often: Keep your grass at an ideal height of 5 to 6 cm (2 inches) and mow frequently to ensure clippings can decompose easily.

Keep blades sharp: A sharp mower blade ensures clean cuts and healthier grass.

Mow when dry: Mow the lawn when the grass is dry to prevent clumping.

Mow late in the day: Mowing later in the day can reduce stress on the grass.

Tall grass: If your grass grows too high, start with a higher blade setting and gradually lower it with each pass.

Thatch formation: Grass clippings do not cause thatch. Thatch is formed from too many dead roots and stems, which can be prevented through regular watering and grasscycling.

Bylaw compliance and safety

As per By-law 2016-68, residents are not permitted to throw, place, or deposit grass clippings on any property, sidewalk or highway. Blowing grass clippings onto roads can cause several issues:

Formation of potholes: Damp grass on gravel roads can clump and contribute to pothole formation.

Drainage issues: Vegetation on roads can slow drainage, leading to blocked catch basins and potential flooding.

Safety hazards: Wet grass on hard surfaces can reduce traction for vehicles and cyclists, increasing the risk of accidents.

Instead, leave grass clippings on your lawn to decompose naturally, providing a source of moisture and nutrients for your lawn. This practice not only enhances lawn health but also contributes to a greener environment.

Let’s all do our part in King Township. Help improve road safety and maintenance by practicing responsible yard waste management.

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Grass clippings