COVID - 19 Update No. 69 - November 4, 2020 3:05 p.m.


​UPDATE 69 - November 4, 3:05 pm

Pop-up Patio Program on Main Street in Schomberg - Update

Given the pop in temperatures expected this week and with the recent provincial announcement of the reopening of indoor dining set for York Region on November 7, the pop-up patios on Schomberg’s historic Main Street will remain in place for an extra week. Originally slated for removal this past Monday, the pop-up patios at Grackle Coffee and Leonardo’s Pizzeria and Smoke House will remain in place until Monday, November 9. These two patios have been part of a partnership and pilot program with Central Counties Tourism and King Township to support physical distancing and provide for outdoor seating.

“This extra week will give more people a chance to continue supporting local businesses during the pandemic while at the same time taking advantage of this last bit of warm weather,” said Mayor Steve Pellegrini. “We need to support our businesses now more than ever.”

To check out a full listing of all King Township restaurants, visit​​

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