King's re-designed website wins two professional awards

Corporate Services
General News

King Township’s recently re-designed website has earned two awards from professional associations.

The first was a gold award in the category Website Overall – Government in the 2021 International Hermes Creative Awards program.

Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing, and design of traditional and emerging media. Several thousand entries are received each year from the United States, Canada, and dozens of other countries. Hermes Creative Awards is administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP).

The second was an Award of Distinction at the Communicator Awards in the general category of Government – Local.

The Communicator Awards is dedicated to recognizing excellence, effectiveness, and innovation across all areas of communication. The Award of Distinction is given to those that exceed industry standards in quality and achievement.

The development of the website was a joint effort between King Township and UpanUp, a Canadian company that specializes in dynamic, accessible government and websites.