National Pollinator Week Activities in King

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Pollinators have been present on Earth as essential workers in our ecosystems for the past 125 million years, but the past 30 years have seen a startling decline in their population.

In celebration of National Pollinator Week, June 19 to 25, the Township of King is offering two free pollinator-focused activities: Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden Workshop and Pollinator Walk and Talk.

The Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden Workshop takes place on Wednesday, June 21 at 7 p.m. at the Schomberg Community Hall, lower level.

The event includes a free presentation hosted by the Lake Simcoe South Master Gardeners to teach people how to attract pollinators to their gardens.

The presentation will be followed by a pollinator garden tour. Participants will learn how to attract pollinators by reviewing pollinator nutritional needs and plants that provide these nutrients.

Pre-registration is required. Visit Code:18060. For more information, contact or call 905-833-6555.

Pollinator Garden Workshop

The Pollinator Walk & Talk takes place on Sunday, June 25 from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the picnic shelter at the Cold Creek Conservation Area.

Participants will be guided on a hike to the tall grass prairie and to pollinator gardens throughout the Cold Creek property. They will take home a DIY bee hotel to build and attract beneficial insects to their backyards.

All supplies will be provided for this free event. Pre-registration is required. Visit Code: #17957. For more information, contact or call 905-833-6555.

Pollinator walk and talk