King's Ridge Marketplace
Located at 1700 King Road, on the northwest corner of King Road and Dufferin Street.
Anchor stores are Coppa's, Tim Hortons, Global Pet Food, and Design on King.
See the market place.
No Frills Plaza
Located at 13255 Highway 27, just north of King Road.
Anchor stores include No Frills and LCBO.
Nobleton Plaza
Located at Highway 27 & Sheardown Road
Anchor stores are Alloro Fine Foods, Mario's Bake Shop & Tim Hortons
King Country Square
King Country Square is located at 191 Mactaggart Road at Highway 27 and offers 10,800 sq. ft. ground floor retail and 16,900 sq. ft. second/third floor professional space. With anchor tenant St Phillips Bakery on the ground level, and Anytime Fitness on the second floor, this will be a popular destination for both residents and commuters.
Brownsville Junction
Located at Highway 27.
Anchor stores are Foodland, LCBO, Brewer's Retail and PharmaChoice.
KingsGate Plaza
Located at the corner of Highway 27 & Dr. Kay Drive
35,000 square foot commercial plaza by Landmark Capital Developments.