King Township helped York Region divert 94% of waste from landfills in 2023

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Programs and initiatives make it easy for citizens to keep waste out of landfills

Township of King, Ont. — With Ontario’s landfills reaching capacity, King Township continues to demonstrate its dedication to environmental sustainability through a range of innovative waste diversion programs. These initiatives are essential in reducing the volume of waste sent to landfill, preserving natural resources and promoting a greener community.

A 2021 report by Ontario’s Auditor General found that Ontario’s current landfill capacity is expected to be exhausted in the next decade. And according to a 2023 Association of Municipalities of Ontario report, the province produced seven percent more waste in 2022 than it did in 2017. 

King Township and York Region have been making strides to increase the amount of waste being diverted from the garbage heap.

York Region achieved 94% diversion from landfill in 2023, exceeding York Regional Council’s goal of 90% waste diversion from landfill for the 7th consecutive year. York Region’s diversion rate includes all waste collection through local municipal curbside programs, waste depot diversion programs and energy-from-waste, including King Township.

York Region processes residential recycling and garbage for the nine local municipalities, including King Township, and manages waste depots where residents can drop off items for reuse, recycling or disposal. 

King has many initiatives and programs that make it easy to divert waste from the landfill.

E-waste recycling events: King holds several electronic waste recycling events throughout the year where residents can bring unwanted electronics to ensure they are disposed of safely, recycled and kept out of the landfill. The next e-waste event will take place at the King Heritage & Cultural Centre parking lot on Saturday, July 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Residents will be required to unload their own items. Please protect your privacy by clearing all personal data and removing batteries from e-waste items prior to dropping them off. King has recycled 52,887 lbs of electronic waste through these events. For more information, visit

Textile diversion program: Textile donation bins, available 24/7 at community facilities, provide secure and convenient drop-off points for used textiles. Since its inception in March 2017, King has successfully diverted 486,273 lbs of textiles from landfill sites. For donation locations, visit

Battery recycling program: Batteries contain heavy metals and toxic chemicals, making proper disposal critical. King Township's battery recycling program allows residents to dispose of single-use batteries at designated locations, preventing harmful materials from entering landfills. All collected batteries are sorted and recycled to reclaim valuable materials. Since the program’s launch in 2017, 6,251 lbs of batteries have been collected. For drop-off locations, visit

FoodCycler pilot program: King recently completed its first FoodCycler pilot program in partnership with Food Cycle Science. The program allowed for 100 FoodCycler machines to be purchased by residents of King at a subsidized rate in exchange for recording their usage over the course of the program. A FoodCycler turns food waste into “foodilizer” that can be used in gardens. All 100 units were purchased and King is looking at running another program in 2025. For more information, visit

Curbside giveaway days: Curbside giveaway days offer an opportunity for residents to declutter by placing unwanted items labeled "Free" at the curb. This York Region-driven initiative promotes reuse and reduces waste. The next curbside giveaway day is Saturday, July 27.  For a list of 2024 giveaway days, visit

Repair Café: A Repair Café brings together people with items to repair and volunteer fixers willing to share their skills and tools. They inspire people to repair items as an alternative to just throwing them away. Bring your broken item (one item per person) and any replacement parts your repair might need. Bring in your small appliances, jewelry, toys, clothing, bicycles, and other items in need of repair. The Repair Cafés are provided in partnership with York Region, NewMakeIt and King Township. For more details and upcoming dates and locations, visit

All these programs and initiatives are in addition to King’s regular waste and recycling collection. For more information, including a schedule of collection dates, view the 2024 Waste Calendar at

By embracing these programs, residents of King Township can make a significant impact on reducing landfill waste, preserving natural resources and fostering a sustainable environment for future generations.


Mayor Steve Pellegrini, Township of King

“Our commitment to waste diversion is a key part of our strategy to protect the environment and enhance the quality of life for our residents. We’re receiving positive results with King contributing to York Region diverting 94% of waste from landfills in 2023. That exceeded York Regional Council’s goal for the seventh consecutive year. By participating in the Township’s many recycling programs, we can all contribute to a cleaner, healthier future for King.”

For regular updates on Township programs and events, follow the official corporate social media channels on X, Facebook and Instagram or visit 



Media Contact

Township of King
Jason Ballantyne, Communications Officer
Township of King | Phone: 905-833-5321 | Email: