Bird Friendly City Certification

Township of King Certified as A Bird Friendly City By Nature Canada

We are happy to announce that as of March 2023 King Township has been officially certified by Nature Canada as a Bird Friendly City. This certification means that we have met the standards regarding: reducing threats to birds in King Township, protecting and restoring natural habitat, increasing climate resiliency, and actively engaging the community through education and outreach! Click the logo below to view the press release from Nature Canada.

Nature Canada Logo



"The Township of King is honoured to receive Bird Friendly City Certificate through Nature Canada's certification program. Certification is earned by creating and maintaining an environment where birds can thrive. King has done this through a variety of sustainable practices that include: developing pollinator gardens, promoting healthy bird habitats, promoting birding opportunities at Cold Creek Conservation Area, and partnering with Dufferin Marsh, a migratory bird stop-over site.  We thank Nature Canada for recognizing that King is a place where birds can be seen and enjoyed, where there is commitment to birds thriving in the future in this community."

 - Mayor Steve Pellegrini, Township of King