News & Announcements

Filed in: Media Release, News
Township of King, Ont.—The Township of King is grateful for the many programs, services and projects that are provided through the volunteer efforts of community organizations. To support these…
Filed in: Notice
The Township of King has received an application to amend the Schomberg and King City Urban Areas Zoning By-law 2017-66 to provide for the re-development of the subject property consisting of a 6-…
Filed in: Media Release, News
Township of King, Ont.— The Township of King is encouraging voters to visit to confirm they are on the Voter’s List in advance of the Municipal Elections on Oct. 24, 2022. To be…
Filed in: News
King is pleased to offer many fun-filled drop-in programs at the Municipal Centre at 2585 King Rd., King City. King’s Drop-in Programs Starting Up in March King is excited to have a variety of…
Filed in: News
Enjoy some family fun in King Township during March Break, including public skating, shinny and parent and tot skates and in-person and virtual programs at the King Township Public Library. Indoor…
Filed in: Notice
The public are invited to remotely attend the Virtual Public Planning Meeting to receive information and provide comments on the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment…
Filed in: Notice
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of King on the 28th day of February, 2022 passed By-law Number 2022-017 (Official Plan Amendment No. 99) under Section 17, and By-law Number 2022-016 (…
Filed in: Notice
The public are invited to remotely attend the Virtual Public Planning Meeting to receive information and provide comments on the Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law…
Filed in: Notice
Council of the Corporation of the Township of King will consider a staff report, all comments received by the public, and adoption of a By-law to authorize the mandatory requirement to connect to the…
Filed in: Media Release, News
Township of King, Ont.—The Township of King is making building services easier to find and use online with the launch of new building web pages at The new web pages provide…
Filed in: News
King Township has ended the Significant Weather Event designation put in place in response to the extreme winter conditions that began February 17, 2022. Municipalities may declare a Significant…
Filed in: News
With key public health and health system indicators continuing to improve, the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, is cautiously and gradually easing public…
Filed in: News
What's Open King Township's Outdoor Rinks (weather permitting): Cold Creek Conservation Centre: Come out to Cold Creek for FREE RENTALS!  Pre-registration…
Filed in: News
Council of the Township of King are now accepting nominations for awards to recognize volunteer contributions and achievements in the following categories: Citizen of the Year  Special…
Filed in: News, Notice
The Township of King has declared a Significant Weather Event on Feb. 17 starting at 10:30 a.m. based on Environment Canada’s forecast for significant rainfall changing into snow.  Snowfall is…