News & Announcements

Filed in: Notice
Notice of Complete Application Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Re: By-law 2017-66 and 74-53; Jane-King Holdings and King Hill Ltd.
Filed in: Media Release
King launches new CivicWeb meeting portal Online tool increases transparency and accessibility King is pleased to announce the launch of its new CivicWeb meeting portal that will better connect…
​UPDATE 73 - November 20, 6 pm ​Public event and social gathering limits further restricted in King  Earlier restrictions as part of Red-Control zone remain unchanged The province has…
Filed in: Notice
Notice of Public Open Houses Re: Rural Zoning By-law Review
​​UPDATE 72 - November 17, 1:45 pm ​YRT's Mobility On-Request (MOR) 65+ service allows you to request transit when and where you need it YRT is extending service for seniors across York…
  ​UPDATE 71 - November 16, 3 pm King moves to new Red–Control COVID-19 level Citizens can still access most services virtually, some in person On November 3 the Province of…
Filed in: Media Release
Replacement of rubber surface.  Residents are encouraged to use Tasca Park at 49 Parkheights Trail, Nobleton, until repairs are completed.
​UPDATE 71 - November 16, 3 pm King moves to new Red–Control COVID-19 level Citizens can still access most services virtually, some in person On November 3 the Province of Ontario announced…
Link to Regional Municipality of York Planned Construction Activities
Current motor vehicle collisions: York Regional Police
Filed in: Media Release
The Township of King has initiated a review and analysis of its stormwater infrastructure. This will result in the development of a Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan to support the Township growth…
UPDATE 70 - November 9, 10 am King moves to new Orange–Restrict COVID-19 level ​On November 3 the Province of Ontario announced an updated plan for lifting and imposing restrictions in…
​UPDATE 69 - November 4, 3:05 pm ​ Pop-up Patio Program on Main Street in Schomberg - Update Given the pop in temperatures expected this week and with the recent provincial announcement of…
Given the pop in temperatures expected this week and with the recent provincial announcement of the reopening of indoor dining set for York Region on November 7, the pop-up patios on Schomberg’s…