King Township strengthens farming integrity: new rules ensure farmland preservation

Bylaw Enforcement
Growth Management Services
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Media Release

Farm businesses must be registered when applying to build farm structures

Township of King, Ont. — To protect King’s farmland and heritage, the Township has changed the rules for applying to build farm structures. Now, anyone applying to build a farm structure must include their farm business registration number and an active membership card. There are currently over 41,000 acres of agricultural production in the Township and 239 farms benefitting from King's fertile soil.

This change is to make sure that farms in King Township are only used for farming. All farms in Ontario that make $7,000 or more each year must register their farm business with Agricorp, which is required by law.

The Township’s Growth Management Services and By-law Enforcement Services departments have found cases where property owners have built “farm structures” that are being used for recreational uses unrelated to farming or agricultural activities.

Staff received help from King Township Ward 6 Councillor Avia Eek, a farmer who grows crops in the Holland Marsh, in getting the new rules over the finish line by providing valuable contact information at both the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and Agricorp.

Including the farm business registration number has several benefits:

Regulatory compliance: It shows that the construction plans follow local laws. This proves that the building is for farming.

Verifying ownership: The registration number helps check that the person applying to build owns the land.

Supporting the community: Asking for the registration number shows support for local farmers. It helps build a good relationship with farmers and encourages development that helps both farming and building needs.


Mayor Steve Pellegrini

"Preserving King Township's agricultural lands and heritage is paramount to our community's identity and sustainability. The updated application requirements by Township staff ensure that our farms are being used for their intended agricultural purposes, aligning with our commitment to responsible development practices and supporting our local farming community."

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Holland Marsh farm

Media Contact

Township of King
Jason Ballantyne, Communications Officer
Township of King | Phone: 905-833-5321 | Email: