King Township expands Administrative Monetary Penalty System to improve Bylaw Services efficiency

Bylaw Enforcement
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King Township is enhancing the efficiency of its Bylaw Services with the expansion of the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS). At its Sept. 9 meeting, Council approved the inclusion of penalties for a variety of municipal bylaws, such as Clean Yards, Fence, Fireworks, Road Occupancy, Noise, Parks, Property Standards and Sign Bylaws. Effective today, September 16, 2024, King Township’s Bylaw Division will transition to AMPS for these additional bylaws. Residents who violate these bylaws may receive an AMPS penalty notice instead of a Provincial Offences Act (POA) ticket.

AMPS is a municipally managed program designed to replace the traditional court system with a quicker, more adaptable, and customer-focused process for resolving bylaw infractions. Previously, tickets were disputed in the Provincial Offences Court. With AMPS, disputes are handled at the municipal level, allowing for screening reviews to resolve tickets. If an individual disagrees with the outcome, they can request a hearing before an independent officer.

Initially introduced in May 2022 to address parking violations, AMPS was expanded in February 2024 to include penalties for Site Alteration Bylaws. This third phase further extends the system to cover additional bylaws, ensuring greater efficiency and responsiveness in enforcement.

The expansion of AMPS offers several key benefits to the community:

  • Faster resolution of bylaw infractions, with most cases resolved within 90 days without court involvement.
  • Improved operational efficiency, allowing staff to address violations directly and freeing officers to focus on other priorities.
  • Enhanced customer service, offering residents the convenience of resolving penalties online or at the King Township Municipal Centre.
  • Cost savings through streamlined processes, reducing the need for court proceedings.

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AMPS expansion

Media Contact

Township of King
Jason Ballantyne, Communications Officer
Township of King | Phone: 905-833-5321 | Email: