September 15 deadline for traffic calming requests is approaching

General News
Public Works
Media Release

Residents can easily submit requests through King’s online portal

Township of King, Ont. — Residents are reminded that the deadline to submit traffic calming requests for consideration in 2024 is Sunday, Sept. 15. Any submissions received after this date will be added to the queue for 2025. In an effort to enhance service delivery and transparency, King Township recently introduced a new public-facing traffic study request queue. This innovative tool empowers residents to easily monitor the timing and results of traffic data collection, providing a centralized platform for tracking the progress of traffic studies within the Township.

As part of King Township’s ongoing commitment to improved communication with its residents, this new feature is integrated into the Township’s broader traffic calming request process. Residents can submit requests via phone, email or letter. Submissions from Councillors and Township staff are also accepted. Additionally, a neighbourhood petition is required, including a statement of concern and support from at least 20% of affected households.

Once a traffic calming request is received, Township staff will assess the suitability of the location through a comprehensive screening process. If the location meets the criteria and if data is needed, the Township will deploy an Armadillo Tracker device to collect accurate traffic speed and volume readings. This cutting-edge radar technology ensures reliable data collection, helping the Township make informed decisions.

Residents can now stay informed by visiting to check the status of ongoing studies. This initiative is designed to streamline the information retrieval process and make it easier for residents to engage with the Township’s traffic calming efforts.

Looking ahead, King Township’s Digital Transformation and Corporate Performance team plans to further enhance the system by integrating an artificial intelligence help bot. This upcoming feature will provide quick and relevant information to residents through an intuitive self-help tool.

For more information on King Township’s traffic calming program and to submit a request, visit

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Traffic study

Media Contact

Township of King
Jason Ballantyne, Communications Officer
Township of King | Phone: 905-833-5321 | Email: