You may submit your event information to this online calendar if the event is open to the general public, occurs within King Township or nearby/bordering communities and meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Organized by an individual, organization, service club, association or business operating within King Township or surrounding area, performing work that benefits King Township residents.
- Organized or funded by another level of government.
- Organized by a government-funded agency or board.
- Organized by a Township-affiliated group.
- Organized by a charitable organization with a registered charitable number and operating within King Township.
- Funded in full or in part by King Township.
- Sponsored by King Township.
- An event or initiative in partnership with the Township.
- A public event located in a facility owned or leased by King Township.
- Festivals that showcase York Region as a vibrant place to visit and play a role in the local economy.
Events will not be published on the calendar if they:
- Are non-Township or Library programs, camps, lessons, courses, etc. that require paid enrolment.
- Are commercial in nature and are attempting to advertise, promote or sell products or services of an individual business.
- Promote, exhibit, illustrate or manifest hate or obscene/pornographic/sexual content of any kind.
- Do not comply with municipal, provincial or federal legislation.
- Events deemed political in nature will not be posted after the writ has been dropped for a federal or provincial election or after the nomination day of a municipal election year other than all candidate's meetings.