A provincial general election has been called. Election day is February 27, 2025. Contact Elections Ontario for more information: elections.on.ca
Municipal and school board elections are held every four years. The next Municipal and School Board election will be held on Monday, October 26, 2026.
Residents wishing to confirm, update or add your information to the Register for municipal, provincial, and school board elections in Ontario may do so by contacting Elections Ontario.
Changing Your School Support
In March 2023, MPAC launched a School Support Portal and has made available an Application for Direction of School Support (ADSS) form on the Changing Your School Support page on mpac.ca.
Direct Links to the forms:
English - https://www.mpac.ca/sites/default/files/docs/pdf/ADSS-new-form-EN.pdf
French - https://www.mpac.ca/sites/default/files/docs/pdf/ADSS-new-form-FR.pdf
For any questions regarding municipal elections please contact the Clerks Division at clerks@king.ca.
Election Reporting and Results
Financial Statements 2022 Municipal Election
In accordance with Section 88.23 (4) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA), the Clerk shall present a report setting out all candidates in an election and indicating whether each candidate complied with Section 88.25 of the MEA. The Township Clerk's report for the 2022 municipal election will be available in spring 2023.
For the 2022 municipal election, Section 88 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, required all candidates for municipal council to file financial statements for all revenues and expenditures incurred during the campaign period by 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2023. Section 88 (9.1) of the Act requires that these statements be made publicly accessible to ensure the transparency and accountability of the electoral process.
Candidates are wholly responsible for the submission of complete and accurate financial statements - the Clerk's Department does not verify or alter in any way the submitted documents. In the event that a candidate's total contributions and expenses do not exceed $10,000, they are not required to submit an accompanying auditor's report with their financial statement. Hard copy originals of submitted financial statements are available for review in the Corporate Services Department at the Township Municipal Centre, 2585 King Road, King City.