Good For The Soul

Artist Exhibits at King Township Municipal Centre

The Township is committed to enhancing the heritage and culture in King, and is proud to offer space for changing art exhibits on the walls of first floor of the building.

Shop Main Street Schomberg

Bursting with charm and historic character, Main Street is nestled in the heart of Schomberg.

A popular destination for residents and tourists alike, as well as many cyclists, Main Street is the perfect location for specialty shops and restaurants.  

Shomberg Main Street

Schomberg mainstreet logo

The Shrine of Our Lady of Grace at Marylake

The Augustinians have the biggest rosary in the world in King City, Ontario. The rosary winds across the acres of land near the Marylake Monastery and Villanova College. This site has also been designated as a site of pilgrimage for the Jubilee of Mercy. You can come any time, or join the monthly pilgrimage.

Unbridled Experiences

Horses are the mirror of the human soul.  Discover deeper connections through workshops with horses, including mindfulness practices and reflections in nature.