Office of the CAO
Department Description |
The Chief Administrative Office provides corporate leadership in the overall management of the Township’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and two divisions. In this role, the Chief Administrative Officer reviews and approves all recommendations made to Council and Committees of Council, and manages corporate strategic planning. The Chief Administrative Officer acts as a department head to the Strategy and Transformation, and Information Technology Divisions. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is responsible for ensuring Council directives are coordinated between departments and relevant agencies, while ensuring operations within the organization are conducted within the framework of the values and goals of the Corporation of the Township of King. The CAO works closely with members of Council, staff and the community to advance council’s priorities, deliver public services and, oversee the business obligations of the Township of King. The CAO is committed to maintaining strong working relationships with all members of the community and other municipalities, in addition to various levels of government. |
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Township of King is Daniel Kostopoulos.
About the Chief Administrative Officer
Daniel Kostopoulos is a professional engineer with more than 28 years of experience in the municipal sector, with much of his career spent with York Region serving in both transportation and environmental services. Daniel served as the city manager with the City of Vaughan, directly preceding his on-boarding with the Township of King. Contact Information
Corporate Services
Department Description |
The Corporate Services Department provides a range of services that ensure compliance with legislative requirements, support Township corporate initiatives and address community needs. These services range from the provision of Council and governance support, development and delivery of corporate communications, administration of the ServiceKING customer centre, human resource management and, legal and legislative services including permitting and reporting |
| The Director of Corporate Services is Jennifer CaiettaContact Information
Public Works
Department Description |
The Public Works department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Township’s owned transportation infrastructure, including roadways, water distribution, wastewater collection, stormwater collection and treatment systems. The department manages infrastructure projects related to the systems it operates and maintains. The department also , plans for, and manages Township physical assets, and provides direct public services via permitting, consents and locates |
![]() | The Director of Public Works is Samantha FraserContact Information
Public Works
Department Description |
The Finance Department is responsible for handling all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in the manner directed by Council. The Department’s roles and responsibilities include: coordinate, produce and monitor the operating and capital budgets, collect all money that is due and payable to the municipality and issuing receipts for those payments; depositing all money received on behalf of the municipality in a financial institution that has been designated by the municipality; paying all debts of the municipality and other expenditures that have been authorized by the municipality; maintain accurate records and accounts of the financial affairs of the municipality; provide Council with such information with respect to the financial affairs of the municipality as it requires or requests; and ensures investments of the municipality are made in compliance with the regulations made under section 418 of the Municipal Act. |
![]() | The Director of Finance is Peggy TollettContact Information
Fire and Emergency Services
Department Description |
King Fire & Emergency Services provides Fire & Life Safety Education, Fire Prevention / Investigation Services, Fire Suppression, Medical Aid Response, and Specialized Rescue Services. |
The Chief of Fire and Emergency Services is Courtney AllenContact Information
Community Services
Department Description |
The Township of King's Community Services Department's core business is community recreation. We offer a variety of programs and services for residents of all ages and abilities (infant to senior). Our programs include sports, arts and culture, aquatics, summer camps, infant/toddler development, environmental discovery, workshops, and fitness. The Community Services Department also manages and maintains a variety of recreational facilities and outdoor spaces for residents to enjoy - which include parks, trails, playgrounds, a fitness center, conservation areas, an outdoor pool, basketball courts, arenas, King Heritage and Cultural Centre and community centres with ice pads. The department leads capital projects and programs for non-linear assets (parks and facilities). |
![]() | The Director of Community Services is Chris FascianoContact Information
Growth Management Services
Department Description |
The Growth Management Services Department (GMS) consists of Building, By-law Enforcement, Economic Development and Planning Departments. GMS is responsible for many growth-related processes for the Township. Roles and responsibilities include such things as business attraction, expansion, support, and retention (Economic Development), through to development review and approvals (Planning), issuance of building permits (Building), to monitoring compliance of buildings and activities with Municipal by-laws to ensure compliance and maintain a safe/comfortable community (By-law Enforcement). Many of these activities are directly related to each other so a comprehensive, synergistic approach to process development activity in an efficient manner is an important underlying basis for the activities of the Department. |
![]() | The Chief Planner and Director of Growth Management Services is Stephen NaylorContact Information