Township of King Design Criteria
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 1-Drawings_Jan2019
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 2-Water_Jan2022
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 3-Approved Materials_Jan2019
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 4-CheckLists_Jan2019
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 5-Sanitary Testing_Jan2019
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 6-Design Sheets_Jan2019
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 7-FITS_Jan2019
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 8-Assets_Jan2019
Design Criteria_APPENDIX 9-LTMP_Jan2019
A hard copy of the Design Criteria may be obtained from Public Works. The cost shall be according to the most current Fees & Charges By-law.
Municipal CAD and GIS Data Standards
Township of King CAD Standards
Township of King GIS Data Standards
Asset Identifier Tracking Sheet - All
Wastewater Servicing Implementation Guideline
Wastewater Servicing Implementation Guideline
Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Standard for Sewers Servicing New Development