Large-Scale Events on Private Property


The Large-Scale Events on Private Property outlines rules for event organizers that plan to hold large events of 250 or more people on private property. Have questions? Contact the Clerks Division by email at or 905-833-5321. 

Application Form

Large-Scale Event means an organized, one-time, annual or infrequently-occurring gathering or function that does not exceed four (4) consecutive days in length, involving gatherings of 250 or more people, on (i) private property and (ii) organized by an Event Organizer which is not the Township and meets one or more of the following criteria:

  1. paid-ticketed sales;
  2. pre-determined opening and closing date/time;
  3. consisting of several separate activities at multiple locations;
  4. or available to the community at large; or
  5. involves amplified noise that requires approval of an exemption from the Township Noise By-law.

Events with less than 250 people that intend to have amplified sound such as music or speeches played through speakers or a live band will not need a large-scale event on private property permit, but WILL still require a noise exemption permit.

Examples of Large-Scale Events on Private Property Large-Scale Event Exemptions
  • Entertainment such as concerts, professional sporting events or dramatic productions; and
  • Festivals; and
  • Outdoor functions including wedding receptions; and
  • Craft sales with the exception of craft sales held within any place of worship.
  • Township initiated, partnered, or sponsored events, festivals, parades, or other similar activities; and
  • Golf courses and hosted events; and  
  • Agri-tourism uses; and
  • A farmers' market or place of worship, as defined; and
  • Garage sales, lawn sales, rummage sales or similar casual sales.

The Event Organizer shall review the guidelines and checklist, complete the application, and submit all required supporting documentation (Secondary Permits and Secondary Requirements) and application fees to the Clerks Division. All fees are non-refundable. Every Person who applies for a Large-Scale Event Permit shall make their application no later than 90 days in advance of the event date unless the Clerk determines that a shorter time frame will allow for the processing of the application.

Resources & Information

Application Fees: 2025