Unless otherwise posted, you can park on Township streets for up to three (3) hours. If you need to park on the street for longer than three hours, you can request a Temporary On-Street Parking Exemption by visiting our website.
Please note that parking on Regional Roads may differ from the Township. For more information, you can view York Region's Parking By-law 2017-37 and Parking By-law 2017-47.
This means that the Township doesn't perform maintenance on the road at this time. Once a road is registered with the Land Registry Office, it becomes a public highway dedicated to the Township of King. Both the Parking By-law and the Highway Traffic Act can be enforced regardless of whether the road is assumed or not.
Parking tickets in the Township are given out with specific fines for each offence. For a full list, you can view the consolidated parking set fines list.
By-law Enforcement Officers can tow any vehicle in the Township for parking contrary to the by-law, but the Township generally will only tow parked vehicles that present a risk to traffic safety or obstruct access to private property. Fees incurred for tows are collected by the towing company from the vehicle owner before the vehicle may be released.
A Heavy Truck means any Vehicle which exceeds 2.6 meters in width or, 7 meters in length or, 2.5 meters in height, or exceeds 2,500 kg (5500lbs) in weight. Further, any road building machine regardless of its weight is considered a Heavy Truck.
The Township of King's Parking By-law 2005-36 outlines parking regulations. The Township maintains an office consolidation of all the parking amendments to the by-law for reference purposes.
York Region also has parking by-laws for Regional Roads including Parking By-law 2024-39, and Parking Amendment By-law 2020-03. If you are unsure if a road is under York Region's jurisdiction, you can visit their interactive map to find out.
The Township of King's Parking By-law prohibits the parking of vehicles on roadways between November 1st and April 15th each year between the hours of 2:00 am and 6:00 am to allow for winter road maintenance. There are also regulations that prohibit on-street parking at any time to interfere with snow removal.