A Road Occupancy Permit is required for all activities within the municipal right-of-way. The right-of-way includes the road, sidewalk, and boulevard (from property line to property line). Some examples of activities which require a Road Occupancy Permit include:
- Utility companies that need to install new infrastructure or maintain existing infrastructure. This includes underground, grade level, and overhead/aerial infrastructure.
- Temporary construction access or material/equipment storage for activities on private property (ex. driveway construction, landscaping, pool installation, etc).
Complete the Road Occupancy Application Form and submit by email to utilities@king.ca along with the required documents listed below. Include "ROP Application" and the work address in the subject line. Applications should be submitted a minimum of 10 business days prior to your anticipated start date to ensure there are no delays with your proposed work.
The following must be submitted with your application:
- An acceptable drawing or sketch showing the proposed scope of work and clearly indicating the location in the right-of-way.
Pre-construction photo(s) of the work area(s) that will be affected (Google earth/street view images will not be accepted for this purpose).
- A valid certificate of insurance naming the Township of King as additional insured, providing a minimum of $5,000,000 liability insurance, and must be valid until the end date of your proposed work.
- If a road lane or shoulder needs to be occupied, an appropriate traffic control plan must be submitted in accordance with the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 7 – Temporary Conditions. The April 2022 Office Edition of OTM Book 7 is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation’s Library Catalogue.
The current (2025) base fee for a Road Occupancy Permit is $280.00. Please visit our Fees and Charges page to see the current Fees and Charges By-law. Schedule “E” – Public Works.
A security deposit may be required at the discretion of the Township. The deposit would be returned after all work (including restoration) is inspected and accepted by the Township.
If emergency repair work is needed, a Road Occupancy Permit is still required. An application must be submitted within 24 hours or as soon as the emergency is managed.
If you require access to or need to do work within a Regional right-of-way, please visit York Region's Road Use and Road Sign Permits webpage.
To determine road ownership, please visit York Region's Regional Roads webpage.
- The Township of King shall be notified 48 hours in advance of the start date, and shall be provided with 24-hour emergency telephone numbers for the Contractor and the Consulting Engineer or Owner. Please contact Public Works at utilities@king.ca
- All utility locates must be obtained from Ontario One Call prior to any work commencing.
- A copy of a signed Road Occupancy Permit must be on-site at all times and available at the request of a Town representative.
- The contractor shall maintain a safe working environment and all works shall be carried out in conformity with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
- All work, including restoration, must be completed prior to the permit expiry date. After which, the applicant will have to re-apply to this department.
- All disturbed areas shall be restored to original grade and cross section.
- All disturbed areas are to be restored to a condition equal to or better than the existing, with 100mm topsoil and sod, unless otherwise approved by the Township’s Public Works Department.
- All trees close to the proposed trench are to be augured to avoid any possible damage to the root system.
- Trenches in shoulders to be backfilled with Granular “B”, Type 1, topped with 150mm Granular “A”. All materials are to be compacted to 100% Maximum Dry Density.
- Where earth backfill is allowed, it shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the Maximum Dry Density.
The Township of King accepts no liability for the interpreted location of the existing utilities. The applicant shall prove the location and depth of all utilities and shall be responsible for adequate protection from damage during construction of the proposed utility.
The Contractor shall maintain in effect liability insurance of not less than $5,000,000 including the Township of King as a named insured and shall indemnify the Township of King against and hold it harmless from any and all liability for damages on account of injury to persons or damage to property resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the presence of the Owner, its servants, agents or employees, and persons duly authorized by the Owner, on the Township’s road allowance and shall reimburse the Township of King for all costs, expenses and any loss incurred by it in consequence of any claims, demands and causes of action which may be brought against it arising out of the presence of the Owner, its servants, agents and employees, and person duly authorized by the Owner, on the Township’s road allowance.
The applicant shall file a “Notice of Project” with the Ontario Ministry of Labour prior to commencing any work on Township roads for works exceeding $50,000.00 and a copy of that notice shall be submitted in the office.
It is the responsibility of the Utility Company to make its contractor aware of the above conditions applicable to the proposed works.
It is recommended that the permit holder take post-construction photos of the project area once work is complete. These photos can be made available to the Township in the event that disputes arise regarding responsibility for damages.Road Crossings/Paved Roads
All road crossings are to be undertaken by “Directional Bore” or “Auger” method unless otherwise permitted.
Auger/Bore Limits
The auger/bore limits are to be from edge of shoulder to edge of shoulder in a rural road Section and from one metre behind the curb to one metre behind the curb in an urban road section. The void is to be grouted if the auger or bore is greater than 50mm or more than the size of the duct, cable or pipe. All false auger/bore tunnels are to be grouted.
Open Cut (Where Permitted)
A step joint shall be provided in the asphalt in the roadway trench by saw cutting the asphalt a minimum of 300mm beyond the edge of the trench and removing the asphalt to a depth of 40mm. The trench in the road is to be backfilled with unshrinkable fill, 0.70MPa (K-crete) to at least 1.0 metre beyond the existing edge of pavement and/or curb. The trench shall be covered for a minimum of 24 hours with a steel plate of sufficient strength to support traffic. The plates shall be recessed into the 300mm wide by 40mm deep step joint. The depth of the hot mixed asphalt shall be specified by the Township of King. All asphaltic materials are to be compacted to 97% Laboratory Density. The joint between the existing asphalt and the new asphalt shall be routed and sealed with hot-poured rubberized asphalt joint sealing compound conforming to OPSS 1212.To access the Road Occupancy By-law click here.