Notice of Complete Application Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment & Site Plan Approval Application

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The Township of King has received applications for a proposed amendment to the King City and Schomberg Urban Areas Zoning By-law (2017-66) and a Site Plan Development Approval Application to facilitate development on the properties outlined below, submitted to the Township of King in accordance with Sections 34 and Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended.

The Township has determined that the applications are considered complete, and the Planning Division has commenced processing. We welcome your comments regarding these applications.



Location(s):                   12991 Keele Street & 2239 King Road, King City              
                                      Plan 85, Part Lot 19                     

Owner:                           2811711 Ontario Limited                              

Applicant & Agent:          Humphries Planning Group              

Township File No.:          Z-2022-11 & SPD-22-57



The subject applications propose to amend the Schomberg and King City Urban Areas By-law 2017-66 and seek approval for a related application for Site Plan Development Approval to facilitate a re-development of the properties to include a 5-storey multi-unit commercial/retail building together with the retention and integration of the existing heritage dwelling for similar purposes. The project will consist of 4022.6 square metres of gross floor area with a corresponding Floor Space Index of 2.41.

The subject site is located at the southeast corner of King Road and Keele Street and currently supports a heritage dwelling, a multi-tenant commercial building and parking on 1675.9 square metres. This location is designated ‘Village Core’ under the Township Official Plan ‘Our King’ and is Zoned ‘Core Area – King City’ by Zoning By-law 2017-66. The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to provide for increased lot coverage, increased height, reductions to the setbacks and a reduction to the parking standards.

At such time as a public meeting is scheduled in accordance with the Planning Act, the Township of King will provide further notice specifying the date and time of the meeting. Any person may attend the public meeting virtually, and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.



A copy of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application as well as related background and supporting information are available for inspection by contacting: Paul Kulyk, Senior Planner at or by telephone at 905-833-5321 ex. 4063, quoting File Number No. Z-2022-11 or SPD-22-57. Written comments may be emailed or personally delivered to the Planning Division located at 2585 King Road, King City, and will become part of the public record. 

Dated at the Township of King this 6th day of October 2022.

12991 Keele Street & 2239 King Road

Denny Timm
Township Clerk 
2585 King Road
King City, Ontario
L7B 1A1

Comments and personal information (PI) are being collected in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13, as amended, and become part of the decision-making process of the application as noted on this form and become part of the public record. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to the collection of personal information (IP), please contact the Planning Division of the Township of King at (905-833-5321).