Notice of Public Planning Meeting Monday, January 13, 2025 Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Re: 14855 Highway 27 (File No. Z-2024-10)

Growth Management Services

Notice of Public Planning Meeting Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment

                                          Monday, January 13th, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.

This Public Planning Council Meeting will be held in a hybrid format with in-person and electronic participation. Deputations may participate in the meeting remotely or in-person. Refer to the registration process below.

The public is invited to attend the Public Planning Meeting at the Township of King Council Chambers at 2585 King Road, King City to receive information and provide comments on the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application, concerning 14855 Highway 27 in the Township of King in accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended.

If you have received this notice as an owner of a property that contains seven (7) or more residential units, please post this notice in a visible location to all residents of the land. 

Subject Property

Location:        14855 Highway 27, King, ON; Part of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 8

Owner(s):       1000029174 Ontario Inc.

Applicant:       Blackthorn Development Corp.

File Number:  Z-2024-10

Staff Report:  The staff report will be available at on the Thursday prior to the meeting date. 

Proposed Changes

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by the owner and applicant seeks to obtain site-specific zone permissions to permit an On-Farm Diversified Use being an Event Venue which can host up to 190 guests, making use of the existing Barn with a temporary tent that is to measure approximately 560 square metres. The temporary tent is to be placed on top of the existing concrete pad, during events. Catering will be undertaken during events by means of utilizing temporary or portable kitchen preparation equipment. 15 portable and temporary restrooms are to be provided on-site during events. Access is proposed to be maintained via the existing driveway from Highway 27 with the existing gravel area accommodating up to 70 vehicular surface parking spaces including three accessible parking spaces. The nature of events will include: weddings, personal celebrations and corporate events, all of which will be hosted, seasonally, during the spring through fall.

Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. Written comments will become part of the public record.

How to Participate in the Public Meeting

  1. View the meeting in-person or watch virtually at . No pre-registration is required.
  2. Submit written comments to the Township Clerk at by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the meeting. Comments will be circulated to Council and Staff prior to the meeting.
  3. Speak to a staff report on the agenda in-person or virtually, pre-register with the Township Clerk at 905-833-4068 or email no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the meeting. If you are pre-registering, you must indicate the item you wish to speak to, how you wish to participate (video, phone, or in-person), and provide your full name, address, telephone number and speaking notes. Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for participating. All comments addressed to Council will form part of the public record.

How to Stay Informed

A copy of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application, as well as related background information and supporting information are available by contacting Alexander Gambin, Planner, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., with reference to the address or file number for more information. Written comments in advance of the staff report being published may be sent to:

Alexander Gambin, Planner, 289-800-2652  

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Council of the Township of King regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, you must make a written request to the Clerk of the Township of King, 2585 King Road, King City, ON L7B 1A1, or by email at

Preserving Your Appeal Rights

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of King to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of King before the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is passed, the person or public body is not be entitled to appeal the decision.

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Township of King before the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so. 

Dated at the Township of King this 19th day of December 2024.

Denny Timm
Township Clerk
Township of King
2585 King Road, King City, ON L7B 1A1

Location Map: 

Location Map 14855 Highway 27 File Number Z-2024-10








Comments and personal information (PI) are being collected in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 as amended, and become part of the decision making process of the application as noted on this form, also become part of the public record. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the  collection of personal information (PI), please contact the Planning Department, Township of King at (905) 833-5321.