Notice of Study Commencement: King Township Transportation Master Plan

General News
Public Works

In 2020, the Township of King developed a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to guide the planning and implementation of its multi-modal transportation network to the year 2031 and beyond. Since finalizing the previous TMP in 2020, a changing policy landscape and emerging new trends in transportation have resulted in the need for a new TMP. The Township has therefore retained WSP to plan a multi-modal transportation network to accommodate and support forecasted growth in population and employment to the year 2051.

The goal of the TMP is to help ensure that the transportation network can support future growth and allows people to travel by whatever mode they choose. The TMP will also incorporate policies to support traffic calming, integrated land use planning, and community building. The TMP will better reflect the changes in policy, strategy, and emerging practices and technologies that have occurred since the previous TMP.

Over the course of the Study, the Township will seek to engage with residents, key stakeholders, and decision-makers to shape the vision, goals, and objectives that will guide the direction of the TMP and its proposed solutions and recommendations.

Study Process
The TMP will be completed in accordance with approach #1 of the Master Plan process identified by the Municipal Engineers Association, fulfilling the requirements of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. The study is expected to be substantially completed in 2025.

How Can You Be Involved?
We want to hear your thoughts about King’s multi-modal transportation network and mobility opportunities. Find out more about the project and provide your input using the project website at SpeaKING.

We look forward to working with you on this exciting project! If you have questions about the TMP or would like to discuss the project with a study representative, please contact the WSP Project Engagement Lead using the contact information below.

Shaquille Cousins
Project Manager
Township of King

Lachlan Fraser
Project Engagement Lead
WSP Canada

This notice was issued on September 16, 2024.