Make the most of March Break skating, swimming or playing shinny hockey and (lots!) of sports, from soccer, basketball, badminton to pickleball, volleyball, lacrosse and frisbee. Pre-registration is required for drop-in recreational sports. View schedules at
Or, take a trip to your local library branch for some family-friendly activities and crafts including lego, origami, author visits, a magician and juggling chef, matinee movies, plus Make It Lab drop-in hours. View the schedule at
Still looking for a camp or program for your kids?
March Break Camp: play games and sports, create arts & crafts, and go skating. March 10-14 from 9 a.m. to 4 Zancor Centre. Ages 4-7.
Jr Robothink Camp: build and battle awe-inspiring robots using gears, motors and state-of-the-art hardware. March 10-14 from 9 a.m. to 4 Nobleton Community Centre and Arena. Ages 8-12.
Grandma-Grandpa & Me: Our Family Tree: Discover your family roots and design your own family tree. Friday, Mar. 14 from 10-11a.m. at Laskay Hall. Ages 5+