What is the Community Improvement Plan? 

King Township's Community Improvement Plan (CIP) targets specific areas within the Township and assists eligible businesses to receive grant funding for various initiatives such as new signage and accessibility features! King now offers two different streams of the program for the villages of King City, Nobleton, and Schomberg, and the rural stream that covers several sections of rural King. 

Prior to starting the Application process, it is important to contact King Township Economic Development to determine your property's unique requirements.

The Two-Prong Approach Reflects King's Character

Village Vibrancy Grant Stream

Village Vibrancy CIP Logo This component of the CIP includes the commercial cores of King City, Nobleton and Schomberg, properties peripheral to the commercial core, as well as commercial or community use properties in King’s hamlets and properties in the Highway 11 Corridor, for a total of 8 precincts. 

Rural Resiliency Grant Stream

Rural Resiliency CIP Logo This component of the CIP introduces a new framework of incentives related to certain on-farm diversified and agriculture-related uses, which will contribute to the economic resilience of the Township’s agricultural areas.

View Community Improvement Plan Project Area and Maps  

Download the Community Improvement Plan Application  

Every property in King is site specific, with rural properties in particular possibly being impacted by the Oak Ridges Moraine, The Greenbelt, either the Lake Simcoe or Toronto AND Region Conservation Authority, as well as site specific permitted uses.

Have questions? Reach out to us online by using this online form or contact us by email at ecdev@king.ca or phone at (289) 800 - 2671.

Village Vibrancy Grant Stream

Village Vibrancy Brochure

See the Brochure

The Village Vitality Community Improvement Plan is an exciting initiative that advances economic prosperity in villages and countryside by promoting beautification, property improvements and economic development in King Township. The Plan outlines financial incentives for qualified property owners and tenants to invest in their property.

In 2021, this Plan was refreshed to align with the Township’s new Official Plan and other guiding documents, and was expanded beyond properties in the 3 commercial cores of King City, Nobleton and Schomberg, into 8 precincts, which include properties in King City, Nobleton and Schomberg village cores as well as properties peripheral to the commercial core, as well as commercial or community use properties in King’s hamlets and properties in the Highway 11 Corridor. A parallel program, the Rural Resiliency Community Improvement Plan, was also developed in 2021, and introduces a new framework of incentives related to certain on-farm diversified and agriculture-related uses, which will contribute to the economic resilience of the Township’s agricultural areas.

                 Apply Now 


List of Village Vibrancy Grants: 

  • Signage Improvement
  • Facade Improvement
  • Landscaping and Property Improvement
  • Building Accessibility Improvement
  • Motor Vehicle and Bike Parking Improvement
  • Building Improvement and Use Conversion
  • Planning Application and Building Permit Fees

Rural Resiliency Grant Stream

Rural Resiliency Brochure Cover


See the Brochure

The Rural Resiliency Community Improvement Plan grant program Plan is an exciting initiative that advances economic prosperity in King Township’s  countryside by promoting investment in a range of specified on-farm diversified and agriculture-related uses in the Township. This program is intended to reduce the costs of improving or establishing certain desirable uses which contribute to resilience of existing farm operations and/or contribute to access to local food, farming community interactions and agri-tourism.

This program was introduced in 2021, in recognition of the importance of on-farm diversified and agriculture-related uses in contributing to the economic resilience of the Township’s agricultural areas. To be eligible, your property must be located in a community improvement project area designated by by-law and you must be a private property owner or tenant on a property where agricultural uses are permitted by the Official Plan. A property owner or tenant wishing to facilitate an agriculture-related or on-farm diversified use in a Village Vitality designated precinct is not eligible for this grant program, however they may be eligible for grants offered under the Village Vitality Community Improvement Plan.

              Apply Now 


List of Eligible Projects for Rural Resiliency:
  • Agri-Tourism Uses
  • Sale of Local Produce
  • Value Add Activities
  • On-Farm Dining
  • Signage Improvements
  • Facade Improvements
  • Infrastructure Improvements
  • Planning Application and Building Permit Fees
  • Professional Services and Related Costs

2015 - 2018 CIP Partners in Prosperity Progress Report



History of the Community Improvement Plan in King

A Community of Communities Approach to King's Community Improvement Plan

King Township is a community of communities, with vibrant villages and a beautiful countryside, which includes hamlets, agricultural uses, rural uses,  and the Highway 11 Corridor.

King Township’s unique character called for the same in its Community Improvement Plan.  First established in 2014, in 2021, the Plan was refreshed to align with the Township’s unique character, new Official Plan and other guiding documents. The new Plan introduces a new framework of incentives related to the business cores of King Township’s 3 main villages, but has expanded the footprint for eligible properties in the villages.  It has also added incentives which will provide aesthetic and other benefits to commercial and community uses in the hamlets, as well as in the Highway 11 corridor.  Finally, new incentives have been created pertaining to certain on-farm diversified and agriculture-related uses.

By the Community, For the Community

This Plan has largely been shaped by the King Township community. A series of public open houses, workshops and virtual consultations endured residents and business owners (including tenants and property owners) were able to share their perspectives on their business needs and that this Plan be highly responsive to the needs of the community. This grassroots approach was essential, as this Plan will ultimately be implemented by members of the community. This Plan emphasizes the principles of sustainability, high-quality design, and economic resilience as foundational to the incentive programs and the associated evaluation criteria.