Zoning Bylaws

The Township’s new Zoning By-law for the Countryside, By-law 2022-053, was passed by Council on September 26, 2022. The Zoning By-law for the Countryside is a comprehensive by-law for the rural areas and hamlets within the Township, which were previously regulated by the Township’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law 74-53, as amended. The rural area encompasses the Countryside and Hamlet designations of the Our King Official Plan, as well as the Nobleton Village Reserve Lands. The rural area excludes the urban Villages of King City, Nobleton and Schomberg.

The Township passed a Housekeeping Amendment to Comprehensive Countryside Zoning By-law 2022-053 on May 27, 2024. The Amendment is currently under appeal at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

The Township’s three Villages, King City, Nobleton and Schomberg are regulated by two separate urban area By-laws, By-laws 2016-71 and 2017-66. Zoning By-law 2016-71 is a Zoning By-law for the Nobleton Urban Area and includes all lands within the Nobleton Urban Area, but not the lands within the Nobleton Village Reserve. Zoning By-law 2017-66 is a Zoning By-law for the Schomberg and King City Urban Areas, and includes all lands within the Village Boundary of each Village.

Zoning By-laws provide for the permitted uses on a property, as well as provide zoning standards for existing and new development. The By-laws implement Township, Regional and Provincial policies. Zoning By-laws are large documents to view – if you require specific sections or have questions regarding zoning provisions you can acquire specific details from the Township’s Planning Division. To submit an inquiry or a request for information or to speak to a Planner use our ASK KING ZONING inquiry service.

The Planning Division may also be contacted to clarify permitted uses or definitions within our Zoning By-laws. If an issue is determined to be in contradiction to the zoning by-law, then the matter is handled and investigated by the By-Law Enforcement Services. Click here for how to file a complaint.

Site Plan Control By-law 2022-052, as amended by By-law 2022-074 provides for Site Plan Control requirements in certain areas of the Township, including certain areas of the Greenbelt Natural Heritage System (GNH) zones. The Site Plan Control requirements for the Greenbelt Natural Heritage System came into effect on September 26, 2022. If you have any questions regarding the Site Plan Control requirements for your property or the Site Plan Control By-law please contact the Planning Division by using our inquiry service ASK KING PLANNING. Click here to access the Site Plan Control By-law.


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Zoning By-laws

Comprehensive Countryside Zoning By-law 2022-053 was adopted September 26, 2022 and applies to all lands in the Township of King except those within the King City, Nobleton and Schomberg Urban Areas. Zoning By-law 2022-053 is currently subject to appeals at the Ontario Land Tribual (OLT). For lands subject to the appeals, Zoning By-law 74-53, as amended, also applies to these lands. Please refer to Schedule A of By-law 2022-053 to confirm if the lands are subject to appeals. By-law 2005-23 also applies to the lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area and Greenbelt Plan Area. 

The Township passed a Housekeeping Amendment to Comprehensive Countryside Zoning By-law 2022-053 on May 27, 2024. The Amendment is currently under appeal at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Zoning By-law 2016-71 applies to the Nobleton Urban Area. 

Zoning By-law 2017-66 applies to the Schomberg and King City Urban Areas. 

Please use the links below to access the applicable zoning by-laws.