Municipal Consent (MC)

Municipal Consent approval from the Township is required for any proposed new utility infrastructure or to upgrade or relocate existing utility infrastructure in the Township’s municipal right-of-way.

An application can be submitted by sending your drawings via email to Include “MC Application” and the work address in the subject line. Drawings must clearly show where the proposed utility will be placed.

Municipal Consent approval is valid for one (1) year. If work has not been completed within one (1) year of the date indicated on the approval letter, a Municipal Consent Extension request must be submitted and approved by the Township before work can begin.

A Road Occupancy Permit will also be required before construction can begin. 

If a utility needs to be moved after work has already begun, all work must stop. The Township needs to approve the proposed new location of the utility before work can continue. Depending on the type and extent of the change, a drawing revision may be required and would need to be resubmitted to the Township for approval before work can begin/resume.

Please visit our Fees and Charges page to see the current Fees and Charges By-law. Schedule “E” – Public Works.