The Township of King's water and wastewater services operate under a two-tiered system. The Region of York is responsible for water supply, transmission mains, storage facilities and booster pumping stations; as well as wastewater treatment and truck collection systems. The Township is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the local of water distribution systems in King City, Nobleton, Schomberg and Ansnorveldt; as well as collection systems in King City, Nobleton and Schomberg.
Users of municipal water and wastewater services in King Township are charged quarterly on the basis of two billing components:
The water and wastewater rates that are charged to the users on a quarterly basis consist of two components:
- Fixed Water/Sewer Maintenance Charges - ensure a base level of funding is available to support life cycle maintenance of infrastructure assets used in the distribution and transmission of water and collection of wastewater, as well as related long-term debt servicing costs incurred.
- Variable Water/Sewer Use charges - are calculated on the basis of water consumption in cubic meters. The variable charges ensure annual operating costs for personnel (internal and contractors), water supply/distribution, wastewater collection/treatment, and general administration are appropriately funded.
Water and Wastewater Usage/Consumption & Maintenance Charges are invoiced on a quarterly billing cycle.
For more information on Water and Wastewater billing please click here.
For Water Only Customers
Quarterly Water Charge = Metered Usage (consumption) X Water Consumption Charge + Water System Base
For Water & Wastewater (Sewer) Accounts
Quarterly Water & Wastewater (Sewer) Charge = Metered Usage (consumption) X (Water + Wastewater
(Sewer) Consumption Charge) + Water System Base Charge + Wastewater System Base Charge.
Wastewater rates apply following connection to the sanitary sewer system and will be included as per the
applicable mandatory connection by-law and notice.
Electronic Payments
Please be advised our water account numbers are a 10 digit format. If you pay your water bill electronically , please check your water account number and make sure you are using all 10 digits with no decimals to ensure your payment is accurately applied.
Nobleton Wastewater (Sewer) Residents
Please be advised that several areas in Nobleton are now operational and properties have been connected to
the sanitary sewer system. If this pertains to you, sewer system based and maintenance charges will be
included on your water bill. In exchange for using the sanitary sewer system, residents are required to pay for
the operating costs with each water billing. The costs that you paid earlier or that were added to your property
taxes were for the capital portion of the sanitary sewers.
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