Attracting Pollinators To Your Garden Workshop

Schomberg Community Hall - 325 Main Street, Schomberg, ON

Join us for a free presentation hosted by the Lake Simcoe South Master Gardeners to learn how to attract pollinators to your garden. Pollinators have been present on Earth as essential workers in our ecosystems for the past 125 million years. But just in the past 30 years there has been a startling decline in the population of pollinators; and our natural ecosystems are taking a big hit. This presentation will explain the reasons for the Pollinator Crisis. If we can understand why Pollinators are declining, then we can all do our part in stopping the decline. The presentation concludes by discussing the positive steps we can all take in our backyards and in our communities to help increase the chances of survival of our Pollinators. . The presentation will be followed by a pollinator garden tour. Participants will learn what can be done to attract pollinators by first reviewing pollinator nutritional needs and plants that provide these nutrients. We can all play a role to stop the decline in our pollinator populations and see their numbers increase again by the simple but effective steps outlined in this presentation. Hosted in partnership with the Lake Simcoe South Master Gardeners. For more information please contact or call 905-833-6555

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