Water conservation: Tips to reduce summer water consumption (and avoid that big bill)

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As summer continues to sizzle, water conservation becomes a critical issue for communities across Ontario, including King Township. With the increased demand for water during the hot months, it’s essential to adopt sustainable practices to maintain the health of local ecosystems, reduce the strain on municipal water systems and ensure there is enough water for essential uses, such as drinking, cooking and sanitation.

Average household use

The average household in York Region consumes approximately 715 litres of water daily, which is roughly the equivalent of filling two bathtubs. Of this amount, the largest portion—28 percent—is used for outdoor purposes, like watering lawns and gardens, washing vehicles and filling pools. In fact, using an outdoor sprinkler system for just one day is the equivalent of a month of regular household use.

Toilets account for 17 percent, while baths and showers use 16 percent. Additionally, leaks contribute to 10 percent of the daily water usage.

Tips and tricks to reduce water consumption

Water your lawn wisely

Timing is key: Water your lawn early in the morning or late in the evening to reduce evaporation.

Use a rain gauge: Only water your lawn when it needs it. An inch of water per week, including rainfall, is typically sufficient.

Consider drought-tolerant plants: Replace some of your lawn with drought-resistant plants that require less water.

Fix leaks promptly

Check for leaks: Regularly inspect your plumbing and irrigation systems for leaks. A small drip can waste significant amounts of water over time. In the case of toilets, you can identify possible leaks through noise (i.e. a hiss sound) that signals continuous water flow from your tank to the toilet. Try using food coloring in the tank to see if it seeps into the bowl, which would indicate a leak.

Sometimes a slow drip leak in your water lines can lead to high consumption. If you suspect you may have an unseen leak, record your water meter reading before going to bed. Obtain a second meter reading in the morning before using water. If the meter reading has changed, it indicates water has been consumed somewhere in your home. A plumber can check for leaks.

Use water-efficient fixtures

Install low-flow showerheads and faucets: These fixtures can significantly reduce water usage without sacrificing performance.

Upgrade to water-efficient appliances: Consider energy-efficient dishwashers and washing machines that use less water.

Collect rainwater

Rain barrels: Install rain barrels to collect and store rainwater for use in your garden. This reduces the need for tap water and helps manage stormwater runoff. Rain barrels are available to purchase online at king.ca or at the King Township Municipal Centre..

Be mindful of indoor water use

Shorten showers: Aim to keep showers under five minutes to save water.

Turn off the tap: Don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth or washing dishes.

Water billing and usage monitoring

The Township recently switched from a quarterly billing cycle (four times a year) to a bi-monthly billing cycle (six times a year) to make bills more manageable.

Property owners can also monitor their water usage online. With King’s online portal you can sign up to access your daily water consumption, sign up to receive warnings of high consumption and track your history and usage.

To sign up visit my-kngon.sensus-analytics.ca 

Together, let’s make every drop count!

Water sprinkler