King Township embarks on a Transportation Master Plan to shape the future of local travel

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Residents can provide input through an online survey and in-person at Public Information Centre

King Township is taking a significant step toward a sustainable and efficient future for local travel by developing a new Transportation Master Plan (TMP). This comprehensive roadmap will guide the enhancement of a multi-modal transportation network, covering roads, sidewalks, cycling routes and transit services, to the year 2051. Residents are invited to actively participate in the process to help shape the future of transportation in King by sharing their experiences and challenges, ranging from congestion and parking to the reliability and coverage of public transit. The plan will prioritize safe, accessible and sustainable travel options while addressing future growth and environmental goals.

Your input matters: take the survey

To start the discussion, residents are invited to provide their thoughts on the current transportation challenges that affect them the most by taking an online survey available on the project page on SpeaKING. The survey also seeks feedback on the TMP’s proposed vision and what the Township’s transportation system should look like in 2051. Responses will help shape the plan’s objectives and priorities, ensuring that community needs and aspirations are reflected in future transit enhancements

The survey is open until November 15. All contributions will be considered in developing the TMP, enabling residents to help influence the future of King’s transportation.

Public Information Centre: share your thoughts

Residents can also provide their input at an upcoming, in-person, introductory Public Information Centre (PIC). The event will provide an opportunity to learn about the TMP update and offer feedback on the transportation network, including roads, transit and active transportation. Participants can share their thoughts on the working vision and goals, as well as explore the next steps and future engagement opportunities.

  • Date and time: Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Location: Council Chambers, King Township Municipal Centre, 2585 King Rd., King City

This will be a drop-in style session, allowing attendees to interact with the project team and share feedback at their own pace.

Phases and timeline

The TMP will be developed in four phases. The process began with a background review that started in September 2024. Phase 2 will shape a 2051 transportation vision, including the PIC on October 29. The third phase involves creating multi-modal network recommendations, followed by presenting potential improvements. In the final phase, a draft TMP will be shared for feedback before the final report is presented to Council for approval.

Stay engaged

King Township is committed to a transparent planning process. Residents are encouraged to complete the survey, participate in the PICs and stay informed through the project webpage on SpeaKING.

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Transportation Master Plan

Media Contact

Township of King
Jason Ballantyne, Communications Officer
Township of King | Phone: 905-833-5321 | Email: